Meetings and Save the Date events
Statewide Women in Agriculture "The Heart of the Farm" One Day Workshop
Statewide Women in Agriculture
"The Heart of the Farm"
One Day WorkshopThe Most Talked about Event of the Year Is Coming to Corning, Kansas:
Saturday, March 29, 2025 -
Apply for FY 2026 State Cost-Share Assistance
Watershed and Drainage Districts are encouraged to apply for FY 2026 State Cost-Share Assistance for existing flood control dam rehabilitation and or new constructions.
The deadline for cost-share assistance for construction on new projects is fast approaching: April 1, 2025. The deadline for cost-share assistance for rehabilitation on existing dam projects is July 1, 2025. Click HERE to learn more.
Time and weather take their toll on flood control dams. Rehabilitation/repair work includes, but is not limited to:
Deteriorated components; Hydrologic (Lake & Structure) inadequacies; Hazard change due to downstream development; Addition of municipal water supply; Protection of sensitive riparian areas; Addition of recreational features; Restoration of stream systems; Limiting future development downstream; Decommissioning; Breach Inundation Mapping
Permits/clearances must be acquired for any construction and rehabilitation work.
Applications can be obtained from the Division of Conservation website.
Or contact Hakim Saadi at (785) 307-9161 or hakim.saadi@ks.gov.
Watershed Partnership Meeting
Watershed Partnership Meeting:
April 2 from 10:30 AM to 12 noon at the Kansas Department of Agriculture, room 129.
Zoom will be available for those unable to join in person. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8272518815?pwd=SnVkUTc0ZTliUHZ6T3BjZjBKb0YzQT09
Spring Operation and Maintenance Workshop
Spring Operation and Maintenance Workshop - April 29 - May 1, 2025 - Decatur Conference Center - Decatur, Texas
The workshop will include technical presentations and in-field demonstrations.
If you have interest in dam maintenance and inspection, including roller-compacted concrete (RCC), field demonstrations of modern equipment (including cameras, drones and remote-control mowers), and presentations on land rights, easements and GIS, this is the workshop for you!
Agenda, other details and registration form: Registration Form 2025 v4 PDF 2 Copy
Watch videos of the January 15, 2025 Webinar: NRCS/Project Sponsor Responsibilities now available on the NWC YouTube Channel: National Watershed Coalition - YouTube
NWC News Release- Organization Changes 2025
The National Watershed Coalition has announced Leadership Changes in January 2025. Click on the link for a press release with the details. NWC-News-Release-Organization-Changes-2025.pdf
Become A NWC Member!
Your commitment to watershed work and the National Watershed Coalition is an important part of our continuing success. Each year we ask you to consider joining or renewing your NWC membership. The dues you pay make it possible for us to continue our efforts to support our watershed partners through education, advocacy and action. Your NWC membership is important to us and we work hard to produce significant results!
Click here to view our 2025 newsletter and the membership form to become a NWC member!
KS WRAPS Kansas Healthy Watersheds website
https://kswraps.org/kansas-healthy-watersheds-project/discussed this morning.
Unfortunately, some of the Youtube links were taking disabled, I have included the more important one for the topic. If you see something you are interested in on the list but can’t open it, email me and I will see what I can do. There are 4 things I want to highlight: the Technical Report for the KS Healthy Watersheds project, two Youtube videos one from Union of Concerned Scientists (presenter who is now an assistant professor for the ag extension and research department at the University of Nebraska) “Soils to Sponges” https://youtu.be/5Xv6GRcZwgwand one from The Noble Foundation “How Does Soil Health Prevent Flooding and Drought? Rainfall Simulator “ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xv6GRcZwgw. These is also a double side fact sheet Healthy-Soil-makes-Healthy-Watersheds-both-pages-12-14-2022-wrapsweb.pdf. One can also find the above web link to the project on the front and my email address at the bottom.
Scott L. Satterthwaite
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Bureau of Environmental Field Services, Watershed Management Section
1000 S.W. Jackson St., Suite 430
Topeka, KS 66612-1367
EMAIL- Scott.Satterthwaite@ks.gov
Phone (785) 296-5573
Mobile (785) 480-9837
FAX- 785-559-4258
We Want To Hear From You!
Dear Watershed Districts and Officers,
In order to afford one final opportunity for public input prior to the Kansas Water Authority’ final review and FY2026 budget recommendations, the Governor’s strategic planning team has created a summarized virtual consult meeting website about the current state water planning & funding process.
You may access the webinar and related materials here : https://burnsmcd.mysocialpinpoint.com/kansas-water-planning/home .
A proposed 10-year legislative funding proposal will result from this strategic outreach effort which will certainly involve concepts about streamlining State Water Plan Fund program delivery and outcome-based performance expectations for related organizations. In my opinion, it is very important that watershed districts have a strong presence in this conversation.
As always, we look forward to working with you in the future, and please write or call if …
Steven K. Frost, Executive Director
Kansas Department of Agriculture