The 2023 annual meeting of the Kansas–Nebraska Big Blue River Compact Administration will be hosted by Kansas on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. The meeting will be held at the Kansas Department of Agriculture, 1320 Research Park Drive in Manhattan. Anyone interested in water-related activities within the Big Blue and Little Blue River Basins in Kansas and Nebraska is encouraged to participate in the meeting.
The Kansas–Nebraska Big Blue River Compact was entered into in 1971. The compact aims to promote interstate comity, achieve equitable apportionment of the waters of the Big Blue River Basin and promote the orderly development thereof, and encourage an active pollution abatement program in each state.
The Compact Administration is composed of a federally appointed Compact Chairman, currently W. Don Nelson of Lincoln, Nebraska; two state-appointed representatives: Earl Lewis of the Kansas Department of Agriculture–Division of Water Resources and Tom Riley of the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources; and two citizen representatives: Hannah Birge of Manhattan, Kansas, and Larry Moore of Aurora, Nebraska.
If you have questions about the annual meeting, please get in touch with Elizabeth Hickman, KDA–DWR, at 785-564-6679 or A meeting agenda and additional information about the Big Blue River Compact can be found on the KDA website at